Once the download has completed, you are finally ready to install Microsoft Office 2019. You can monitor the download progress by checking out the log file in the %LocalAppData%\Temp directory. Note: The download can take several minutes to complete so please be patient. Run the following command to download the installation files:.Navigate to the C:\Downloads\Office2019 folder.Copy the Office2019.xml file to C:\Downloads\Office2019.Accept the terms in the license agreement on the Export Configuration to XML screen.Turn on Telemetry Data Collection (False).Automatically Receive Small Updates to Improve Reliability (False).Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program (False).Disable Opt-in Wizard on First Run (True).Disable Office First Run on Application Boot (True).Provide a description for this configuration for documentation purposes.Provide your organization name to set the Company property on Office documents.Automatically upgrade to the selected architecture (On|Off).For uninstalled MSI versions of Office, install the same languages (On|Off).Uninstall any MSI versions of Office, including Visio and Project (On|Off).Automatically check for updates (On|Off).Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.Select Additional Proofing Tools (If Any).Turn Apps On or Off to include or exclude them from being deployed.Project Professional 2019 – Volume License.Visio Professional 2019 – Volume License.Office Professional Plus 2019 – Volume License or.Select Products and Apps you want to deploy.Select the Architecture you want to deploy.